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New mommy *finally* getting to that stage in pregnancy where I don't have to explain that I haven't just "let myself go," making good use of her intellect, sense of humor, and creativity. Look out world, here I come!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I Think I left My Dignity Over In the Corner Somewhere

You know you're in bad shape when you start thinking of ways to use what you learn in class against your professor. Namely, the nature of the Triune God- the three Persons live in an intimate communion. Man, being created in the image of God, experiences this same orientation toward community. It is therefore our obligation to ensure that this facet of the human personal life is nurtured, and should inform the professors that any homework assignments which interfere with the social life necessary to encourage community are superfluous and in fact improper to the dignity and calling of the human person.

You think that's bad, you should hear about my ideas for my other paper topics. (Anthropology- The salvific nature of human suffering; Sacraments- the development of Catholic teaching on marriage, or the complimentarity of the sexes. I think the complimentarity thing is more of a thesis than anything else, though....)

Anyway, I've come to the recent conclusion that I've got more of the fight of the Fight Or Flight syndrome in me than otherwise. Why, do you ask? Because while I can let things slide all the time, deeming them not worth the effort, the second the shit hits the fan, I'm out there trying to figure out which wire to cut in the fan. Weird analogy, I know- but hey, it's first thing in the morning here. It's not like I'm more productive in class this time of day.

By the way, Emily- hope you have a great day too!

1 comment:

Fightgar said...

cool pics.
Mortal Combat!!
Choose Your Destiny
Flawless Victory
Choose Your Destiny
Flawless Victory

