So, having spent an unusually large portion of the weekend with my family (a raucous birthday party and Sunday mass- which is alot for me) I came away with the feeling that yes, I do in fact have the blessing of a non-dysfunctional family. Not that we don't have our quirks, to which Justin has often been exposed. But it's a healthy weirdness. We spent the majority of the party playing card games and reminiscing about the good ol' days- like when Phil stole the car (repeatedly), Katie ruling the house with an Iron Fist, and me stealing Jenny's cigarettes when I decided I didn't approve of smoking.
And what's more, our weirdness is being passed on to the future generations- as demonstrated perfectly by my nephews. TJ is now learning to read and write; he can put letters together to form words. The first word he came up with? Rum. Yes, Rum. And he proceeded to pretend he was drinking Rum at the party, which culminated in him staggering around and acting drunk. I'm still not quite sure where he learned this from (oh, the corruption of today's youth- it comes from too many pirate movies, i'm sure) but nevertheless, we had to explain to him that drinking too much is not something to joke about.
Ian (who is only 3) is still at a more innocent stage, wherein he says things that seem bizarre but must make sense in his still developing mind- things like, during the Consecration in Mass, "I'm too young to kneel!" which cause us too look at each other over his head, and become bemused at what should be expected from young children during the Mass.
Anyway, in addition to the fun and games of this weekend, I've been having a jolly good (read: boring) time doing my extensive reading for my theology classes. We've got midterms coming up. Not that this causes our professors to cut down on our workload. We've still got as many assignments as ever, but we're expected to take even more time to study during the next two weeks. I'm convinced that this could not be accomplished unless we implement my patented plan for the 30-Hour-Day. But at least I can rest secure in the knowledge that I'm not being indoctrinated with false principles, which is more than I could say if I were doing the same workload at just about any other college. Woo for Orthodoxy! And also, where could I get fabulous quotes from my professors to keep me entertained during the 3-Hour class time?
And finally a question: In a death match between Sigmund Freud and Alfred Kinsey, who would win? And more importantly, if either of them were to die, would we care?
About Me

- Mel
- New mommy *finally* getting to that stage in pregnancy where I don't have to explain that I haven't just "let myself go," making good use of her intellect, sense of humor, and creativity. Look out world, here I come!
Monday, February 20, 2006
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i would root for least he was a litttle right on some things....kinsey on the other hand....well, we know what Van Slyke thinks about people like him....
frued by far, because he's actually has something like tecnique which is good for a fight.
If a Kinsey fell in the woods and no one was around to hear him fall, would he make a sound?
I hate to stick with tradition - But I'm going to have to say Frued.
Freud will totally own that guy. First he'll mesmerize Kinsey with his blank stare, then he'll burn him to death with his cigar. Freud will freu himself with Freude, in Frued und Leid.
I'll Freud you if you don't post!
spshh...This is purple fox zero-six, coming in hard from the East with bogies on our tail requesting to short stop at papa one for UPDATE pick-up, please confirm over.spshhhh
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