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New mommy *finally* getting to that stage in pregnancy where I don't have to explain that I haven't just "let myself go," making good use of her intellect, sense of humor, and creativity. Look out world, here I come!

Monday, September 19, 2005

Your Mom Goes To College

..hehehe... it's funny cuz it's true.

Anyway, sorry I'm so lazy about posting, but my only defense is that usually when I remember I haven't updated yet, I'm too incoherent to spell my name correctly to sign on to one of these computers. And of course, the never ending cycle of our server being down at all my normal times (like 4 am).

So then- been non-stop action for the last week or so. Havilah came by to visit a few times, and actually stayed 2 nights in my room over the weekend. Came to the Ave semiformal, hosted a brunch in our room (while Meghan and I weren't there- go fig) and even lent (and later gave) me a shirt that nearly caused riots among all of the campus. Ok, so I'm exhaggerating.

Got to hang out with Sheila a bit too, which was fairly awesome. We make a very dangerous team, her and I, when you combine our propensity for wrestling, bravado, and the "boob tap". Yeah, don't ask.

Too many inside jokes for me to remember- I'll try again when I've had more than 3 hours of sleep a night for 4 nights in a row. But leave me comments anyway, because we all know that those are the only reasons for blogging!

I'm one of a hundred cops,


Meghan said...

You and Sheila shall be unstoppable and Justin will rue the day you two met...We do need to drag her out constantly because she about made my weekend.

J said...

Ehem... Can you say plagiarism? No quoting awesome boys unless a credit is given, or else rendered dead or at least heavily tickled ye shall be copper.

Brigid said...

Finally. I think I will repeat that. Finally! you have posted! It's about damn time!

anyhow, I forgot your post right now since I was trying to figure out what to write. Guess what, we kinda dont eat breakfast here.. that's right, you heard me, no eggs, pancakes, waffles, HASHBROWNS, toast... BACON.. but we have sausage... yea, but no "real" breakfast. I bought myself eggs yesterday and made breakfast for dinner. Anyhow, this is a worthless comment.. I dont know why I am continuing writing.. BUT I CANT STOP!!!!!!! oh yea, dont accuse me for the Ave-baby destruction, tell Klobe that if his baby talk wasnt just so utterly adorable, and the idea that a grown 20 yr old (who looks like Klobe) is acting like a baby.. isnt too, shall we say.. contradictory, then maybe I wouldnt have caught on to it!