About Me

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New mommy *finally* getting to that stage in pregnancy where I don't have to explain that I haven't just "let myself go," making good use of her intellect, sense of humor, and creativity. Look out world, here I come!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Don't Ask "Why?"- Ask "How?"

...is what Meghan said to me the other day. So don't worry, Bwiggy Bear, we haven't forgotten you and the impact you've had on our lives. Which apparently has mostly to do with sharp objects. Oh, and we used Whitestrips on Saturday too. : )

I guess there isn't a whole lot to update on, except to say that I need a regular sleep schedule, a way to get my cleaning crew stuff done in between all of the other crap I need to do, and possibly some food.

Mostly food.

Anyway, had an awesome night hanging out with the girls a couple days ago- freaking hilarious. All I remember is something about "monolithic" "cyclobian" and "ceramics". The rest is all a blur- perhaps if we start recording these conversations, reminescing would be more effective. Starting to get worried about the looming projects and papers I have coming up, although Dr. Russell has yet to make me recite my lines from Dante. Thank God for small favors- although now it may have been so long that I can't even remember the lines correctly.

Things to look forward to this weekend:
~Tigers game Friday evening (with fireworks after?)
~Stratford trip to see The Tempest on Sunday
~Researching colleges that might be merciful enough to accept credits from Ave
~Too much homework for comprehension

Monday, September 19, 2005

Your Mom Goes To College

..hehehe... it's funny cuz it's true.

Anyway, sorry I'm so lazy about posting, but my only defense is that usually when I remember I haven't updated yet, I'm too incoherent to spell my name correctly to sign on to one of these computers. And of course, the never ending cycle of our server being down at all my normal times (like 4 am).

So then- been non-stop action for the last week or so. Havilah came by to visit a few times, and actually stayed 2 nights in my room over the weekend. Came to the Ave semiformal, hosted a brunch in our room (while Meghan and I weren't there- go fig) and even lent (and later gave) me a shirt that nearly caused riots among all of the campus. Ok, so I'm exhaggerating.

Got to hang out with Sheila a bit too, which was fairly awesome. We make a very dangerous team, her and I, when you combine our propensity for wrestling, bravado, and the "boob tap". Yeah, don't ask.

Too many inside jokes for me to remember- I'll try again when I've had more than 3 hours of sleep a night for 4 nights in a row. But leave me comments anyway, because we all know that those are the only reasons for blogging!

I'm one of a hundred cops,

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Wow. Just wow.

So... sorry I haven't updated in a while, but... Hurricane Katrina is ruining my life. Does that sound a little selfish? Maybe. But I miss staying up all night on the internet, dammit. And worst of all, I miss having carpeting in my computer lab... makes the whole place seem more cozy, as if I can almost justify staying up obscenely late.

Not that I need to be in the computer lab to do that anymore, eh Panda Food?

Anyway, Ave's been fairly awesome the last week and a half- although my workload is steadily increasing at a somewhat alarming rate, and Meghan and Monica and I are slowly but surely... ok, not even slowly, but DEFINITELY surely becoming the weird ones on campus. You know the type. The Instigators. The Goofs. The... Gunivators. Yes, you heard me. We were threatened by guns, and by God we were awesome. And I am once again totally motivated to go wandering around by myself at insane hours of the morning.

And if it weren't for that stupid 8:40 am class, I would.

So yeah, we've been doing an admirable job of instigating wrestling matches, water fights, trips downtown, awesome dinners, and hopefully kickass fall production (Arsenic and Old Lace, please God let it be Arsenic and Old Lace). Too lazy and fried to put much more effort into this post, guys. So no Word of the Day or Quote of the Day for now. Sowwy.

I miss you Bwiggy Bear! Don't chase after too many "sophisticated European" types!