About Me

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New mommy *finally* getting to that stage in pregnancy where I don't have to explain that I haven't just "let myself go," making good use of her intellect, sense of humor, and creativity. Look out world, here I come!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Addendum: Everything I Do Is On Purpose

In the interests of coming off as condescending, rather than faintly idiotic and absent-minded, I thought I should inform everyone that the blank post from before was undoubtedly, undeniably, openly and unquestionably totally my fault. My bad. I hit the "publish post" button without realizing it, and by the time I looked back at my computer I didn't even notice what had happened.

But, as it stands, having a completely empty slot in my blog seems to add an element of interesting unexpectedness to the overall layout of the page. Thus after a great deal of conferring amongst myself, I've decided to leave it.

And for those of you that are concerned, a real update is pending. I promise. But we're still workin on that whole hi-speed intarweb thingy.

-Melissa "I Am the Fortunate" VandeVoorde

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Awesome: I Miss My Music: Too Unfunny For A Real Post

The creative juices are definitely not flowing at the moment... hopefully things will pick up soon, but my brain is probably fried from my latest seminar, and I'm still trying to figure out when I can get access to high-speed internet and a good hard drive.

In the meantime, this is fairly awesome.

-Melissa "Quit Obfuscating the Question" VandeVoorde

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Survival of the Fittest

Darwin posited (not altogether inaccurately) that the ability to adapt would allow for a greater survival rate of a given species. This standard is especially applicable in the case of college students. We, as a not-yet-endangered species, must cultivate our abilities to cope with mass amounts of sleep deprivation, unhealthy eating habits, myopic reading and computer usage, all while braving winter weather conditions; in short, sacrificing ourselves to the elements to pursue the legend that is HIGHER EDUCATION.

That being said, there are several other changes that occur in the meantime; this blog's template is one of those changes. You like? I think I may continue with the experimentation- this might just be too much blue for me, which heretofore I would have thought impossible.

So, kids, how is school/work going? Are we surviving outside of the bubble?

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

A Yup of a Different Color


So... classes just started yesterday at Orchard Lake, and I've talked to a couple people from Ave about school starting. It seems that none of our schools are, in fact, Ave. Go figure.

Of all of us though, I'd say I'm pretty lucky. Not only are my teachers orthodox, but they also don't demand a pound of flesh stapled to the top of each of the papers we turn in. I might actually be able to DO all of my homework this semester. Weird, eh?

I also found a girl (a sophomore) who, in addition to being in three of my classes, has also been here longer than me and we're helping each other figure things out in the strange world of college-dom. Haven't met tons of people yet, but that's the sort of thing that happens when nobody but seminarians live on campus. That, and there's only been 2 classes so far. And the second consists of me and the sophomore girl (which has been turned into an independent study). Oh well- I hold out hope that there will be more than 7 students in attendance in my Seminar later today. In another perspective, I find it rather refreshing to go through actual beaurocratic red tape in order to get something done around here. It's like I'm accredited or something.

I'm living with Justin's parents in White Lake, which has been cool so far (although I've only been there a couple of days). They said they were going to use my first month's rent toward getting a TV for the front room, so I can watch it whenever I need to veg after studying too hard. I think spending the money of me kind of defeats the purpose of me giving it to them in the first place, but I'm sure I won't complain : ). I haven't worked myself up to the challenge of organizing my multidudinous papers and handouts for reference during the school year, but I HAVE got my room in some semblance of order, and possibly more importantly, a lock on the door so I can keep myself barracaded from a certain 5-year-old and 3-year-old for studying purposes.

Keep your eyes peeled for a car for me (yes, even if you're in Texas!) so I can use my own car instead of Justin's mom's sometime soon.

-Melissa "If You Have Syphilis You Don't Need LSD" VandeVoorde

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Does Anybody Want To Go To Abe's?

No really. I got this sudden craving for Abe's, probably because I just started getting hungry, but I don't want to cook anything. And the knowledge that I can't just go to bed and wait until morning is getting to me as well, since I'll be up quite late packing. Probably the fact that I'm leaving tomorrow for school and Abe's will no longer be readily accessible has something to do with it too, although I do understand that the quality of food leaves something to be desired. One does not go for the quality of food or drink, but the quality of company and amusement of the other customers who frequent it.

Anyway, I guess I'll console myself by eating some mint chocolate chip ice cream and realize again later that I need something more substantial, and end up making myself eggs and bagels or something like that.

So, this is my "farewell" message. Ironic, considering that once I get to school I will have high-speed internet access and will be blogging with more frequency. And more pictures. But the fact remains that I'm going to be living almost an hour away and won't be around to see anybody except for the occasional weekend. Maybe this cell phone thing really will come in handy.

Anyway, this will serve as a reminder for everybody to keep in touch; either call me or e-mail me- somebody you know has the number or address. :-)

-Melissa "How about some ninja assasins?" VandeVoorde