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New mommy *finally* getting to that stage in pregnancy where I don't have to explain that I haven't just "let myself go," making good use of her intellect, sense of humor, and creativity. Look out world, here I come!

Friday, October 28, 2005

Talk About Jumping On the Bandwagon After the Wheels Fell Off...

Hmm. Tonight has been the first night in a while that I feel more like myself again. It's an obscure sort of feeling- but I've definitely been a little off for the last couple weeks. It's also rather unfortunate- it's taken me sleeping through most of the day and avoiding my classes in order to get back up to par. I guess this fall break is going to be a much-needed vacation. Too bad everybody else around here is either too busy or too tired to celebrate the finding of my long-lost Mel-ness with me. I'll have to find some headphones and some Mountain Dew and stay up most of the night playing Free Cell in the computer lab- that would be fairly reminescent of how I spend most of my time on a normal day. And clearly, I use the term "normal" very loosely.

Anyway, apparently I failed to mention the Co-dictator's latent coolness in my last post, which was made manifest last weekend by Meghan and I parking in an intersection at a red light, cranking music, and dancing next to the car, much to the enjoyment of the 5 or so cars full of guys behind us. In the words of one J. Enfield, "Shake what your mummy gave you." (I say in response: That is one of the worst things I've ever heard.) Also fun last weekend: turning what should have been an early night into a 2 1/2 hour photo shoot while playing dress up. This Tuesday night was fun as well, Meg and I stayed up until like 5 looking at photos and putting them in a book. I live for this kind of creativity.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Latest and Greatest:

You Are A: Puppy!

puppy dogBeloved by all, puppies are energetic, playful, and loving. Your playful and friendly nature is part of what makes you a puppy. Known for their loyalty, puppies make great pets for young and old alike. And an innocent puppy face can melt anyone's heart!

You were almost a: Duck or a Parakeet
You are least like a: Groundhog or a ChipmunkWhat Cute Animal Are You?

excellent. my affinity for puppies is finally being recognized (hint hint). but don't ask me where the duck or parakeet come in, i've never thought of them as particularly adorable, nor do i identify with them in any way. maybe it's because i bite but not effectively enough to do any lasting damage. meh, better luck next time me.

anyhoo, had a fantastic weekend of not being quite productive enough, trying but somehow not succeeding in catching up on sleep, and a trip to the mall with Meg and Corwin. ooh, and Theo, Corwin and I harassed Ripper at work, too. Twas good times. Sometime in the next hour I'll be leaving to pick up my other me, but first i'm thinking it will necessary to find food- no wonder i'm tired, i only had a serving of mac and cheese about 5 hours ago. I need to figure out this whole "eating more than one meal a day" thing.

2 items remaining,

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Ich werde dein Gesicht kaputtmachen!

Well, the insanity continues for about the next month. I've got a huge bibliography and presentation due Wednesday, and overdue Dante paper, and 5 or so papers due in the next 4 weeks, along with the play and other assorted activities. But on the plus side, plans are progressing well for my birthday party. I guess.

On that note, far be it from me to stop the latest blog fad:
7. Mel Needs: to see the doctor… The reckless
approach of copying a glaze out of a mag and then glazing 10 bowls as a
test will have smoke coming from RRs ears.
6. Mel Needs: to become more tolerant, especially of emotions.
5. Mel Needs: to make the most of these cycles, and establish goals with corresponding
4. Mel Needs: an English class.
3. Mel Needs: to take a chill pill.
2. Mel Needs: YOU!!!!
1. Mel Needs: to Handle the Sales End While Someone Else Runs the Company.

so technically #7 would have been different, but I had to edit for content by skipping to the next one. sorry kids.

now, i think i'm going to do laundry and take a nap to make up for the sleep missed during midterms week.

Schoenes Wochenende!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

In Case of Rapture, This Car Will Be Unmanned

... a bit presumptious, perhaps, but entertaining nonetheless. Also, probably the most positive thing I've said all day, except maybe "I love you."

Hey, the other options were "2 Generations of Jesuits Who Don't Know a Proper Christology From a Hole In the Ground" or "A Hungry Abortionist Always Runs Faster Than A Pregnant Woman."

Anyway, I'm supposed to be studying for Triune God right now (midterm tomorrow night, followed closely by 2 other Theology midterms on Thursday morning and early afternoon). But of course, in the midst of cramming I always find new and creative modes of procrastination. Among these we find the mandatory blogthing:

Your Fortune Is
Man who run behind car get exhausted.
Wacky Fortune Cookie Generator

A random old picture pertaining to the times.

Humerous away messages created.

Contents of AIM profiles read. For example: ."I am the curse of the market, people think it was because of Hurricane Katrina, but no it was because I, Ben Panning bought stock"

And, of course, threats of zombies investigated.

Here's to all nighters and a decent supply of caffeine! (for today)

P.S. (is what part of the alphabet would look like if you removed Q and R) it’s ok, kalish, I think I’ve figured out a new source for my caffeine. Upon hearing that I won’t be sleeping the next couple of nights, Corwin suggested that he supply me with a liter of Code Red every time he sees me this week.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Ex Nihilo, Nihil Fit

I feel like I've been a total bummer lately. Granted, some would say that I have good enough reasons to be a bit overwhelmed and therefore despondent (or even doleful, dispirited, melancholy, glum, heavyhearted... yeah, in general unenthusiastic). But I say in reply: I hate being that way. Absolutely hate it. There are too many people counting on me to be my usual peppy (or at the very least, overly caffeinated), laid back (read: comatose), ingenious self. So I've decided to reclaim my sanity and take charge of the situation.

Will I mope? No. Will I get bogged down in the stress of having too much to do in too little time? No. Will I fail my midterms? ... Possibly.

On the plus side, I was totally excited about having Metaphysics today, and by God going to class was worth it. Wish I could say the same about some of my other classes, but I'm willing to settle for having my primary motivating factor for those courses to be fear of retribution. In the meantime, I'll study my brains out, rehearse like a madwoman for the play, clean the academic building (and at some point, my apartment), and have all the fun that anybody can possibly have on a half-a-block campus.

*Mel passes out on the floor of the library, then wakes up slightly delirious*

Wow, guys that post looks incredibly inspired and empowered. It was probably written by someone else, or was influenced by the lack of drugs in my system right now. I'm telling you, there is no Code Red in my apartment anymore, and this is a problem. It's only a matter of minutes before the headaches and shakes kick in... nope, here it comes. Ahh well, it was fun while it lasted. Now I have to run out to The Keg for some emergency caffeine and then go to drama practice.

Good luck in your studies, kids!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Minor Accusations and a Busy Schedule

I'm tired. I'm way too busy for my own good (or sanity). I have blood on my shirt. I have a test due tomorrow that I don't feel prepared for. Midterms are next week. I don't know what I have to read for class tomorrow. My dad has been pissy for the last few weeks and I don't know why. I need good food. I miss Bwiggy Bear. My brain hurts.

I guess that's it for now. Thanks for listening to me complain. : )

Signs of the Times

Yeah... so it's 4:48 am, and I just finished my Dante test. and am still fully lucid.
guess it's time to start on that theology reading assignment, eh?

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Boredom and Procrastination Are Inspirations

Because I'm too lazy to come up with my own post, quiz results courtesy of Alloy:]

Who Are You in the Band?CONGRATULATIONS!You are:53 % Lead Singer 23 % Bassist 15 % Lead Guitarist 7 % Drummer (attention seeking? who, me??)
Lead Singer: When your parents had guests over when you were little, you used to come downstairs in your jammy's (or that year's ballet costume) and put on a full-fledged show -- opening act, intermission and encore. When it comes to performing and getting noticed, you're no joke. You like to be the center of attention, but you don't let being the head honchette go to your head. While sometimes you take little things too seriously, you are a terrific leader and can easily turn that little nothing into a big something. (pat on the back, me. apparently i'm a perfect person)
Inspiration and Guru: Amy Lee of Evanescence. (just cuz she's so darn hot and cadaverous looking)
Studio Snack: Pizza. (i think that goes without saying)
Favorite On-stage Moment of all time: The Madonna and Britney kiss at the MTV Awards. (NO! i mean, NO!!!)
Must-have Stage Style: Satin Ribbon Tube Tank (question mark? ?)

Meh, so it may or may not be accurate, but slacking off by taking pointless quizzes is fun AND rewarding! Now if you'll excuse me, I have a room to clean and a Trinity to study. You stay classy, Southeastern Michigan!

Monday, October 10, 2005

Even More Hostile Takeover...


Consider It a Hostile Takeover...

So you may or may not have noticed, the previous post was not in fact made by yours truly, but by another who happened to have access to this blog. Any claims made therein are not to be held as legally binding, nor do they necessarily reflect the opinions of this blogger or any of it's associates. Except, apparently, for one.

Anyway, I'm looking into mental health clinics in the area... there are surprisingly few good options, although this is coming from someone who's 3 aunts are trained nurses and are very familiar with modern health standards. Don't worry, if I go crazy, I'll make sure they lock me away in a place that has decent internet access.

Kalish, it was so awesome talking to you the other day; I'm sorry I had to cut our conversation short for drama practice. Let's keep in touch more regularly ok? I know we're all busy and you're in a place decidedly more exciting than Ypsilanti, but this pain inside me cuts like a knife. And let me tell you, that knife does not have a Double-D edge. Did I tell you my plan for my birthday? I'm totally making my mom get a banner that says "Happy Birthday Brigid and Melissa!" and I'm inviting most of Ave and your family to come. If I'm lucky, I can find a hideous picture of the two of us and blow it up... or maybe even get a cardboard cutout of you and set it up at the party. And this is why I shouldn't plan these kinds of things when I'm totally cracked out. Anyway, moral of the story: Keep In Touch(e?)!

Whoa... there are sounds of shrieking demons down the hall, I think I should go investigate...

Oh ok, it's just Thea and her cousin... I could have sworn it was a minotaur or something. And yes, I have been spending too much time with Dante.

Anyway, too much to do, not enough time to do it in... This, unfortunately, leads me to something which I have wanted to avoid. The All-Nighter. Now, granted, there are those who might point out, "Mel, you've already pulled several all-nighters this semester alone." But I say in reply (if this isn't Begging the Question, I don't know what is...) "Those were NOT in fact, School-Related." In any case, I have 5 classes to read for, lines to memorize, several papers to start working on, midterms coming up, and a Dante test due preferably tomorrow. So I'm fully justified in staying up all night for this one, just so I don't fall incredibly behind and end up wondering when we were assigned that paper for Ecclesiology that I never knew about two days after it's due.

And I still want baked goods.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

My blog is in foreign hands!

Blame this guy for why I haven’t posted lately.

I’m currently watching Equilibrium over at the Twins house. Man I need to do some homework or Meghan is going to kill me. Well I have to go now because I’m going to make some delicious Barbe-Q spare ribs for my boyfriend. I love him so much and would do anything to make him happy. Stay classy Ypsilanti.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Mentally Unstable and Socially Unhinged

That's right. MUSU.

Yes, it's (finally!) time for an update from yours truly. To be perfectly honest, it's not that I haven't had anything to update about, nor that I haven't had time... I just haven't felt like it. So there.

Methinks since such a large amount of time has lapsed, I might have to resort to bullet points, so as not to force you all into reading through endless paragraphs of nonsensical prose. So since last Thursday I have:

~Gone to a Tiger's Game. We lost. Big surprise there. But everybody had fun nonetheless, and we have the pictures to prove it. And by we, I mean Justin- check out his blog if you don't believe me.

~Went to Stratford to see The Tempest with various Ave persons. Met a mutant duck named Harold, got some sweet pics- also not mine, but as soon as people get them developed, I'll steal some and post them. Also held hands with John Klobe and Matt Ryan for no particular reason except that Monica and I feel like mixing things up in the Ave circle. Father Roy hates me.

~Don't actually remember much from Sunday on- I assume that I didn't sleep enough, made it to at least most of my classes, watched movies, procrastinated on homework, and went to various drama and chorus practices. Went to B.A.'s not-so-surprise party, which was tons of fun. Oh, and I caught the cold going around campus. Exciting.

~May or may not have to name my firstborn after Tiger Stadium- further updates as this situation progresses.

~Went this last weekend with Meggie Bear and Justin to her family reunion in southern Ohio. Her family cracks me up. As do Meg and Justin- the car ride was about as entertaining as the actual reunion. *nasal laugh*

~I just got out of Metaphysics class. Dr. Fedoryka came up with an idea for a bumper sticker: "Acorns do it for their own sake." You wouldn't get this unless you've had Feddie for a philosophy class before. Also notable quotes: "My nature doesn't give a damn about me- it's just trying to save the species!" and "How 'bout pretending you're a student in Dr. Fedoryka's Metaphysics class?"

~I need to clean and get to a Meijer at some point so I can get food and develop photos. Dangit.

Does anybody else want to quit school right now?