About Me

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New mommy *finally* getting to that stage in pregnancy where I don't have to explain that I haven't just "let myself go," making good use of her intellect, sense of humor, and creativity. Look out world, here I come!

Saturday, January 28, 2006

That Old Post That Noone Looks At Anymore

So- I couldn't find the original picture from that March For Life link a couple posts ago, but these kids are almost as cute as the first one, albeit without the meaningful quote from Mother Teresa underneath it. Ahh well, can't win 'em all I suppose.

Coming Soon: Seven Names For Seven Brothers. Or something like it.

Friday, January 27, 2006

So.. I Was About to Blog, When...

I realized that I should be heading over to the cafeteria for dinner.

Hopefully update later tonight, when I'll be working on my papers due next week. Yippee!

By the way, come to the Fedoryka's tonight to read Deus Caritas Est!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


It appears that some of my links aren't working the way I planned- I'll fix it when I get a chance, just pretend like you never saw it.

In the meantime, enjoy this nifty little article. If you've never read The DaVinci Code, don't bother buying it, I don't want Dan Brown to get more royalties. Just borrow it from me or the library or something so you can be informed about the idiocy that gets published around here.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

"Sneer Quotes"

So in this lovely little college where I'm taking nothing but theology classes- I've learned probably... a few things... in class over the last week or so. Like, for instance, how Tertullian easily slipped into a heretical sect in his later career, and eventually got SO good at it, that he split off into his very own sect of Tertullianism.

Would that I could have such lofty goals.

But the recurring theme in my classes (probably a result of having Dr. VanSlyke for 3 of my classes) is the proper care and feeding of Sneer Quotes. No seriously. He talked about it in all three classes. Whatev.

Anyway, most exciting thing in the last week? March For Life. We got free T-shirts. And lobbied at our senators. Oh, and there's that whole standing up for the dignity of human life thing. : )

Gotta get crack-a-lackin on my homework (writing assignment on the Apostolic Tradition due tomorrow morning. woo!) so I'm off for now.

Thanks to Justin for the use of his laptop in this endeavor.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

My Eyeballs Hurt

Well, they do.
I am having a bad day. Don't ask me why, because I don't know- I am just currently experiencing one of those inexplicably bad moods. And of course, I consequently act like a jerk and am unrepentant for it. Don't worry- I realize I'm acting like a total brat, and that I shouldn't be. I'm trying to cut it out.

So when all else fails to cheer me up, I do it myself. And you know what cheers me up the most? Discount hormone prescriptions available online!!!

Well, these are pretty good too.

But I like them alot too. Mostly the guy in the middle there.

K, time for bed- hope you were as amused as I was, and I promise the next post will be happier!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006