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New mommy *finally* getting to that stage in pregnancy where I don't have to explain that I haven't just "let myself go," making good use of her intellect, sense of humor, and creativity. Look out world, here I come!

Friday, August 12, 2005

I Love Spam

And by that I mean.. not the food, or the junk e-mail. But seriously, I checked my blog this morning and saw that I had 7 (count 'em, seven) comments... but 3 of the 4 new comments were, in fact, spam. And then I had a flashback to Christian Marriage class, of Brigid leaning over and telling me "No one loves us,"- and it's true.

Only a couple more days until The Hobbit gets here, and then we'll be leaving for Germany. I started freaking out last night because I realized I still have so much stuff to do- I have to get my room cleaned, my stuff packed both for the trip and for Move In Day at Ave the day after I get back, go to the bank to withdraw obscene amounts of money, buy a sweater (*ahem* Brigid...), and all sorts of other crap... I'm getting a little stressed.

But at least through all of this I have my Crest Whitestrips, and the assurance of a brighter, whiter smile.

Word of the Day: Ubiquitous (adj.)- Existing or being everywhere, or in all places, at the same time. As in "As a Catholic, I habitually fall back upon the word 'omnipresent' where 'ubiquitous' would suffice."

Quote of the Day: "Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately... it kills all its pupils." - Hector Berlioz

East is east and west is west and never the 'twain shall meet. However, if two 'twains meet, you will have a 'twain weck,


Brigid said...

Alo, Salut, hydook!!! What up pukinator! Sweatshirts MUST be purchased before you leave. Btw, look forward to Red Eye when you come back... it comes out on the 17th! btw, when do you come back?

Meghan said...

Ohh man I wanna see Red Eye too. *Gasp* maybe we can reunite and have movie night.

Much luck with all your travel prep. I'm so jealous. You're going to have such a great time.