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New mommy *finally* getting to that stage in pregnancy where I don't have to explain that I haven't just "let myself go," making good use of her intellect, sense of humor, and creativity. Look out world, here I come!

Friday, August 19, 2005

Herzliche Wünchen von Bayern!

Hey kids! It´s about 12:30 in the morning here in Neunkirchen- the perfect time for an update :)

We´ve been keeping busy- visiting a few of the villages around the area, rock climbing, hiking, shopping, going on tours, visiting Nürnberg, swimming illegally in quarries... yeah, that´s about normal for us. Got some pictures, too; hope they turn out, and more to come!

Hobbits like holes.

In the highest room of the tallest tower...

Wunsiedel from the mountain.

Sprechen Sie Spanglish?

Ruined hermitage.


"Do you think my butt looks big?"

Der Hassenpfeffer liebt Pilzen.


What is this..´German` you speak of?

Swamp people.. are the happiest people.

Is that a Hobbit in the distance?

How do I end up with a picture like this on every camera?

I have moss on my butt.


Hanna´s "Princess Picture".

Hanging out at the top of the mountain at Felsenlabyrinth.

Gelato after a traditional Bavarian dinner- oh, and I´m riding a Gelato pony, too.

Met at the airport by Hanna, the coolest German foreign exchange student ever.


Brigid said...


Glad to see you are taking the scenic route, scoping out places to conquer.... or... yea.

Looks like you are having a great time! I dont know any German, so you will have to translate those pictures when you get back, but dude, in one of the pictures you have "the gap" look. :) I hope you have a great time with the rest of your trip!!!! Can't wait to hear all of your stories!! :) :)

J said...

I want to go... I want to go, I want to go, I WANT TO GO. Supin Cranktoe fillabuster #@!& This is me having a digital temper tantrum. Well at least I can tour Germany’s great gorgeous greenery with my computer. Eh. Oh well, Kill a panda for me.

-The Alpha Crow

Meghan said...

Holy crap! or should I say...Heiligen shize! (that's a random guess on spelling and definition) those pictures are gorgeous.

And, dude, you look in your element I must say. Is because you have returned to the motherland, ja?