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New mommy *finally* getting to that stage in pregnancy where I don't have to explain that I haven't just "let myself go," making good use of her intellect, sense of humor, and creativity. Look out world, here I come!

Monday, October 17, 2005

Ex Nihilo, Nihil Fit

I feel like I've been a total bummer lately. Granted, some would say that I have good enough reasons to be a bit overwhelmed and therefore despondent (or even doleful, dispirited, melancholy, glum, heavyhearted... yeah, in general unenthusiastic). But I say in reply: I hate being that way. Absolutely hate it. There are too many people counting on me to be my usual peppy (or at the very least, overly caffeinated), laid back (read: comatose), ingenious self. So I've decided to reclaim my sanity and take charge of the situation.

Will I mope? No. Will I get bogged down in the stress of having too much to do in too little time? No. Will I fail my midterms? ... Possibly.

On the plus side, I was totally excited about having Metaphysics today, and by God going to class was worth it. Wish I could say the same about some of my other classes, but I'm willing to settle for having my primary motivating factor for those courses to be fear of retribution. In the meantime, I'll study my brains out, rehearse like a madwoman for the play, clean the academic building (and at some point, my apartment), and have all the fun that anybody can possibly have on a half-a-block campus.

*Mel passes out on the floor of the library, then wakes up slightly delirious*

Wow, guys that post looks incredibly inspired and empowered. It was probably written by someone else, or was influenced by the lack of drugs in my system right now. I'm telling you, there is no Code Red in my apartment anymore, and this is a problem. It's only a matter of minutes before the headaches and shakes kick in... nope, here it comes. Ahh well, it was fun while it lasted. Now I have to run out to The Keg for some emergency caffeine and then go to drama practice.

Good luck in your studies, kids!


Brigid said...

You should have seen my eyes when I read that you didnt have anymore Code Red in your apartment. They were as big as dinnerplates. This is a code red emergency, all things considered!! Get yourself more code red!!!!!!!!!! NOW!!!!!
::screams, jumps out the window, climbs the turk wall and runs to the mountains::....AGHH!

J said...

Great Caesars Ghost Girl! If you need a pick me up, all you need to do is ask. They don’t call me the Meth Man for nothing you know.

Louise said...

As I have told Meghan before, it's okay to be poopy. Take a day to be a brat. Let those close to you know that this is your day to be poopy (so they won't be offended by your blah-ness.) After the day of poop is over, you'll be more to your normal self.
Note to self: take your own advice.